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Sunday, April 12, 2009

Mexico : water shortages

Mexico City has a lot of water until it was drained in the 60s this Easter, 5 Million people went without water as the water levels in the reservoirs are very low.

The National Infrastructure plan identified in 2007 as a cornerstone of development in Mexico is designed to improve this situation . The NIP identifies over 300 infrastructure projects in multiple sectors with spending targeted at over $141 billion .

Lack of water for human and agriculture poses one of the biggest threats to development and one way is to add more water capacity ( one of the NIP Projects is to build a 650MGD Water plant in Mexico City ) another way is to improve farm productivity.

Maize, a staple diet for Mexicans is very wasteful in the consumption of water compared to corn grown in the US.The most efficient user of water in corn is the US , India at 2500 m3 is closer to Mexico with a 5x water footprint. In fact, if the water used in all the Cereals imported into USA were to be calculated a 7 Bil m3 of virtual water flows from the US to Mexico.

This virtual water is keeping pressure off the stressed water condition in Mexico.

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